Thr Spirit Guide: Meditation: 5 Ways to Raise Your Vibration & Adjust Your Spiritual Backpack
When I first heard about this, I am not gonna lie. I thought it was baloney. It seemed to be yet another fad catch phrase meant to make us pay more money for crystals or tea leaves or yoga mats. But then I started reading about it, researching it, and, ya know? It really isn't baloney, and we all secretly know these principles to be true.
Negativity, worry, fear, anger, and angst all lower our vibration levels. They literally pull us down. So, we have to work diligently to raise our vibrations to overcome those negativity draws.
How do we do that?
There are some really great articles by Scientific American and Chopra if you want to learn more, and here is my personal list of 5.
Let it Go
Fortunately, I had boys, and they were already older teenagers when Frozen was released, so I didn't have the luxury of listening to the children's song 42 billion times. But, the essential concept here is just let "it" go. Whatever "it" is. All those grudges you are carrying around? Write them down, light a bonfire, let them go. All that worry that is paralyzing you? Write it out, burn them up, let it go. Anger? Resentment? Rage? Fury? LET. IT. GO.
Listen, we all have histories full of bones and brush fires, but we've made it to today. Don't carry these painful stories one more day. Lighten up that spiritual backpack! Take each thing and just look at it; decide why you still need to carry it. If it's not bringing you peace, and you have no control over the outcome, just acknowledge it, and let it go. This will raise your vibration level
This wasn't always easy for me, and has been a process that has, literally, taken my entire lifetime. There are many examples, but I will share one brief one.
30 years ago, when I was 19, my oldest brother disowned our family. I have no idea why he did this...even today. My Mom's heart was broken, and I wanted to fix it for her. I was a big mouth back then, making my opinions known, and getting involved in all kinds of things that simply weren't my business. Being young does that to you, and my Mom sort of fanned that fire. I love my Mom, but she always wanted me to be the "fixer" of family drama. She would push me to get involved, and I was too young to see that at the time. But, as we grow and mature, we sort of take a look at these situations and say, if it were today, I would have done it all differently. I would have let it go right in the moment. He is a grown man with a family making a decision that he thinks is wise. It's not up to me to judge the wisdom of it, and so, all the best in light and love, and I will be here if you ever decide to come back.
Before she died, my brother made peace with her, and he attended her funeral 13 years ago. I've not seen or heard from him since, and that's OK. I was a kid when he walked out of our life, and I honestly don't think I could identify him in a lineup. I don't hate him; I love him because he is my brother. If he walked through the doors tomorrow, I would welcome him. But, I stopped worrying about it or even thinking about it. I don't think about what I could do now as an adult that would draw him back to my life. He had his reasons, and I don't know them, can't control them, so it's just not worth my energy. I wish him and his family peace and love and light.
Garbage In/Garbage Out
So, yeah, I eat a lot of junk. I know I shouldn't, and I do. Whatever I put into my body is what I give to my body, and that's what my body becomes. This is something I am actively working to correct. A lifetime of food issues (anorexia/obesity) is not easily solved, but I do better each day. But, this rule doesn't just apply to food. It applies to what you watch on TV, TikTok, and You Tube. It applies to what you do in your spare time. It applies to the people in your life. Are they sucking you dry? Fill your life with good things - good people, good food, good experiences. Drugs, even weed and mushrooms (sorry hikers), just bring your vibrations down. Think about all the things you put into your body and all the things surrounding you. Do they bring you joy and peace? Do they stress you out? Say goodbye to all that doesn't bring you contentment.
Be Grateful
Our modern world has a habit of making us think we do not have enough, but look around. You have enough. You have food on your plate, clean water to drink, a roof over your head, places to go, things to do, and people to love you. We are truly blessed beyond measure. More than half the world lives in poverty without a quarter of these blessings.
By giving thanks, your heart just feels good. It instantly pushes away negative energy. Thank the people who help you succeed. Thank those who play even just a tiny role. By sharing gratitude, our lives become full of positive vibes and remind us of the Divine Love spreading around us.
Meditate and/or Pray
In the morning, when you first get up and you make that pot of coffee or cup of tea, set your morning intention. Blair Robertson has really great videos about a super simple technique that can get you moving. It's super easy, and it actually works. Do this again before bed to set your dreams.
Bring Passion
Finding something you love doing raises your vibration level. Hobbies and talents help us achieve inner happiness and contentment. What is it that you love doing? Go do that.
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