
Showing posts with the label Christianity

Thr Spirit Guide: Meditation: 5 Ways to Raise Your Vibration & Adjust Your Spiritual Backpack

There is a concept called "raising vibration."  Basically, it takes Einstein's idea that "everything in life is vibration" and applies it to humanity.  The higher your vibration is, the more content, satisfied, and at peace you will be in your physical life. When I first heard about this, I am not gonna lie.  I thought it was baloney.  It seemed to be yet another fad catch phrase meant to make us pay more money for crystals or tea leaves or yoga mats.  But then I started reading about it, researching it, and, ya know?  It really isn't baloney, and we all secretly know these principles to be true. Negativity, worry, fear, anger, and angst all lower our vibration levels.  They literally pull us down.  So, we have to work diligently to raise our vibrations to overcome those negativity draws. How do we do that? There are some really great articles by Scientific American  and Chopra  if you want to learn more, and here is my personal list of ...

The Spirit Guide: Meditation: Divination Tools

I truly believe that all things that bring us closer to God and help us be vessels of Divine Love are good.  This is something that is often in opposition to organized religion who have, for centuries, categorized these tools as "Occult" or "Witchcraft" or "Paganism."   I don't use words this way.  On their own, these tools are just tools and they mean nothing without intention.  You can have a mean heart and still pray the Rosary.  You can have a pure heart and read Tarot. Intention is 100% at play. I embrace Celtic spirituality, and my non-religious divination tools stem from that culture.  I celebrate the eightfold wheel which honors the changing of seasons (equinox/solstices) with traditions aligned with Scottish Druidry.  While there are religious Druids I am not one.  It's a philosophy I embrace, but I don't belong to any of the big Druid organizations, and I don't belong to a Grove.  I hold no judgment to those who do, but it's n...

The Spirit Guide: Meditation: Spirituality versus Religion...which is the Right Trail?

What is the difference between religion and spirituality?  We often use these terms interchangeably, but I've met a lot of religious people who aren't spiritual, and there are many spiritual people who aren't religious.  I was a religious person at one time.  I no longer identify that way even though religion is, indeed, part of my path.  I consider myself spiritual.   As I mentioned in the welcome video, I am not a denomination basher.  I believe I can walk into any Christian church and find a good message and community.  This isn't about my satisfaction or dissatisfaction with a particular church I attended in the past.  There was never any kind of falling out.  One day I simply looked around and said, hmmm, this isn't me.  This isn't what I think Jesus wants from us.  There are a lot of rules and I don't know where they come from, and why do we spend more on gold chalices than we do on poor children?   One of my ho...

The Spirit Guide: Trial Video

 Some folks asked if I would create a video to go along with the blog.  This is my attempt.  This channel is not monetized (nor is this blog), and I don't have professional equipment.  Let me know what you think in the comments below!  You may have to hit "click more" at the bottom of the post to then be able to click play.  Seems silly, I know ;p