Thr Spirit Guide: Meditation: 5 Ways to Raise Your Vibration & Adjust Your Spiritual Backpack

There is a concept called "raising vibration." Basically, it takes Einstein's idea that "everything in life is vibration" and applies it to humanity. The higher your vibration is, the more content, satisfied, and at peace you will be in your physical life. When I first heard about this, I am not gonna lie. I thought it was baloney. It seemed to be yet another fad catch phrase meant to make us pay more money for crystals or tea leaves or yoga mats. But then I started reading about it, researching it, and, ya know? It really isn't baloney, and we all secretly know these principles to be true. Negativity, worry, fear, anger, and angst all lower our vibration levels. They literally pull us down. So, we have to work diligently to raise our vibrations to overcome those negativity draws. How do we do that? There are some really great articles by Scientific American and Chopra if you want to learn more, and here is my personal list of ...