The Spirit Guide: Meditation: Divination Tools

I truly believe that all things that bring us closer to God and help us be vessels of Divine Love are good. This is something that is often in opposition to organized religion who have, for centuries, categorized these tools as "Occult" or "Witchcraft" or "Paganism." I don't use words this way. On their own, these tools are just tools and they mean nothing without intention. You can have a mean heart and still pray the Rosary. You can have a pure heart and read Tarot. Intention is 100% at play. I embrace Celtic spirituality, and my non-religious divination tools stem from that culture. I celebrate the eightfold wheel which honors the changing of seasons (equinox/solstices) with traditions aligned with Scottish Druidry. While there are religious Druids I am not one. It's a philosophy I embrace, but I don't belong to any of the big Druid organizations, and I don't belong to a Grove. I hold no judgment to those who do, but it's n...