The Spirit Guide: Lesson 2: Divine Love

What is Divine Love?  

You'd think that in a million years of humans wandering around Earth that we could figure out the concept of love.  It feels like it shouldn't be so hard to know what true love is...and yet, each year, thousands of podcasts, books, songs, poems, stories, works of art explain love, defend love, ridicule love, abandon love.  There are songs like "What is Love?" and "Love Stinks."  There are countless sites helping us find our true love.  There are even more divorce lawyers helping us to officially and legally end love.

As a I mentioned before, I am not a scholar of love.  I am not a theologian, philosopher, psychologist or expert of any kind on the matters of love.  I am a middle-aged woman living in the mountains of Eastern PA.

So, how can I even write a post about Divine Love?

The beautiful and fortunate thing is that no one needs to be an expert in Divine Love because it's free to everyone.  God's pure white light of protection, grace, charity, and wisdom flows to each one of us freely and limitless.  We don't even have to really ask for it, but we have to make sure we aren't blocking it or refusing it.  Each morning, as an Earthly reminder to us, it's helpful to ask God for the blessings of His white light and energy.  This protection for the day was going to be there anyway, but asking helps us remember it's there.

Divine Love is unconditional.  In the Bible, the book of Timothy lets us know what that word "unconditional" means.  I am sure other religious traditions have something similar.  If you are Christian, you believe Jesus was the manifestation of Divine Love in human form.  Perhaps other religions have something similar.  God didn't send Jesus here because He needed him to come live an Earthly life; He sent him because WE need an example of Divine Love among us.  And, not for nothing, look what we did to him on the cross.

When we look around the world at all the pain and suffering, the blood of children at the slaughterhouse of egomaniacal terrorists, we see that Divine Love has been wiped away, swept away, or burned to the ground.  Those moments stir up more hate, and those building blocks of hate form a progressively darker place.  How can we possibly love in a world filled with so much hate?

The answer is simple.  We have to let Divine Love shine through us.  Our human love is not strong enough on its own to combat the demons that exist.  Only God's Love is strong enough for that.  So, we have to open our hearts and let God shine through us.  If we allow ourselves to be lanterns for God, His Divine Love has the necessary power to overcome the expanding darkness.

So, that's nice, in theory, and sounds great in poetry and song, you say.  But, how does a person actually do that?  I don't know the full answer, but from what I can see, we just have to open our hearts to let God's Love shine through.  We can do this through prayer or mediation or even just a quick pause in the middle of the storm to say, God, let me a beacon on hope in this dark situation.  Beyond that, there is nothing you CAN's God's light, not yours, but once He knows you are willing to carry the torch, He will light it up.  

It's important to consistently remind people that this brilliant light belongs to God.  As good as it might feel for the ego to take that credit, it's not our credit to take.  Divine Love comes only from God.  Goodness comes from God.  We can carry this light and goodness to the far reaches of the world if we allow it.

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