The Spirit Guide: Lesson 1: A Legacy of Love
God loves us. Plain and simple. There isn't any magic involved. There are no fancy things you have to do or say. God loves us. All of us. God gives us tools to help us find love and be love in the world.
There are scholars that study the three types of love. I am not one of them. I just know there are three kinds because I learned that in Sunday school. There is family love, intimate love, and Godly love.
There is love all around us, but we need to pause to see it, and we need to take opportunities to spread it. We don't need money or influence to spread love; we simply need to be a creature of love wherever we stand. That's not always easy on a bad day, but on those days, if we connect to love, we will shelter the storm.
God protects us with His white light. It helps to ask Him for that protection as a reminder to us that He is always protecting us. Bad things happen all the time but that isn't because God isn't protecting us; there is some lesson we need to learn, or there is an experience we must endure in our physical bodies to teach us some important lesson.
God gives us the protection and guidance of Angels and Saints, but you also get your very own spirit guide. He or she is with you from birth. You are their only human, and they don't sleep or go on vaction or call out sick. They don't have physical earthly bodies; they are energy. They've never lived on Earth. They've never had physical human bodies. Their construction is beyond what we can comprehend. So I don't try. In the scheme of things, it doesn't matter. The focus is for them to guide us. And our job is to let them.
That seems easy, but we are very keen to do our own things. We want to see something work out the way we want to work it out. Spirit is there to say, um, yeah, no. Let that go. That thing that you want to do isn't going to serve a greater good, so let it go.
As you connect to Spirit, ask to be guided, but then take the time to listen. It's a habit you have to form, and it's a new habit for me. Be light whenever you can be light. Even in the darkest of places, the tiniest light can give hope to others. Be that tiny flame every chance you get.
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