The Spirit Guide: An Introduction
Welcome to this newest blog adventure. I've been here many times before...inpsired to write something...faithful for a few days...then off to a new project.
I am going to try really hard not to do that this time. There is so much light and love to push into this world to combat the darkness, and I feel it's my spiritual gift to be a light bearer.
I have no illusions/delusions about what I will say. I will rely on my personal spirit guide to help me compose these thoughts, but I want to be clear about who I am and what I am not.
I am a skeptic at heart. When I see people on TV or YouTube with purple hair and "witchy" clothing saying all the "right" stuff...I simply don't believe them. They could be absolutely telling the truth, and I am not here to judge them, but my first instinct is they are frauds who want attention.
I've struggled with putting this blog together and writing about spirituality because I don't want to cheapen Spirit. I don't want people to look at my writing and think, oh geebus, here we go again with another wackadoodle spouting off about complete nonsense.
So, let me tell you who I am and what I believe and you can follow along with me if you'd like. I am a Christian. I was raised in the conservative Anglican church. I still attend churches of the Christian faith, and I honor and cherish those practices for others. For me, I find my church to be in nature and tied to no particular denomination or perhaps, more correctly, I am tied to them all.
There are really good things in all denominations, just as there are really good things in all world religions. But, to be clear, this blog isn't a Christianity blog. I will get in a lot of trouble with church-going people over my particular understanding and practice of Christianity. I am not here to challenge anyone's beliefs. I am not here to evangelize. I believe Jesus lived, was the Son of God, died on a cross, rose again 3 days later, and went to Heaven to sit with God. I believe this, and you are free to believe as you want.
Philosophically, I am a Druid. I know this sounds kooky, but I believe I am the last Druid in my ancestral line. The Druids in my line date back before the Christian influences in Scotland. They became Christians. My mother, grandmother, great grandmother all had spiritual gifts in their physical bodies but didn't know it or didn't accept it. I am the last one. I am the last female in this line with spiritual gifts.
I am not a witch. I am not a Wiccan. I actually know nothing about either of those traditions, and I am not here to stand judgment for either of them. Druidry is a "path based" philosophy. It's not my job to determine if any path is the right path; it's my job to bring light into the world to illuminate my path and to help others along on their paths.
I do not believe in or practice magic. I do not read Tarot cards. I say the Rosary. I read Rune Stones and Oracle Cards as meditation tools. I do not believe we can predict the future, as we all have free will. I believe in Spirit Guides. I have one. We all have one. Some folks have more than one. Spirit Guides choose you at birth and are assigned to stay with you your entire life. They have never lived in earthly bodies. They are male and female and are pure energy. They will guide you if you ask. Angels are real and also guide you. They've lived earthly lives at some point and advise many people. And, most importantly, I believe in one God. If he has assistant gods, that's not my concern, as He is God and He can do what He wants. But I believe in one true and supreme energy source named God, and I believe that to save humanity, He sent His son here to Earth to help guide us. We call him Jesus. I believe there is a lot of good stuff in the Bible, but I believe that human hands have shaped it over time and it is missing a lot and a lot has been changed. It's a guide. It's a beautiful guide.
I believe we can talk directly to God. We can talk directly to Saints. We can talk directly to Mary, Jesus, or any of the Apostles or Prophets. I believe we can know our personal Spirit guide and ask for guidance. I've asked for guidance in writing this blog, for example, and I will continue to ask for guidance to make sure I write the correct information. My Spirit Guide has a sense of humor. My Spirit guide knows all my thoughts - my strengths - my weaknesses. Sometimes I ignore my Spirit Guide. In fact ,I've been ignoring him for just about 50 years.
I believe there are a lot of false prophets in any religion or denomination, and I believe there are many people out here that pretend to "know" things that are just trying to make a buck. I make no money from my work with Spirit. I don't sell readings. I do not have gifts of clairvoyance or any of the "clair" things. I don't see dead people. I don't predict the future. I am not a Medium. I believe there are people who have those gifts, but I am not one of them. The ones who are true are the ones who look like your sister, brother or Mom. They tend not to be the ones that try to convince us they have talent by the color of their hair, jewelry or any other affectation.
I believe in love and wisdom. We are here to love one another, love the Earth and all its creatures, and we are here to share love. Love brings light. Our dark world has been overcome with darkness, and those of us carrying torches need to stand up tall and march forward. I am here writing to carry a torch. Small on its own, but if we all carry light, we will soon brighten the world.
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